Center for Childhood Resilience (CCR) is committed to increasing access to high-quality mental health services and prevention programming for children and youth throughout Illinois and nationwide. This commitment is achieved through professional development, innovation, investigation, and advocacy.
Center for Childhood Resilience (CCR) at Lurie Children’s Hospital believes all kids of all ages should have access to adults who can address their mental health needs. Since 2004, CCR builds skills of adults in schools and youth serving agencies to foster resiliency in the face of adversity through promotion, prevention and intervention. Through innovative, sustainable, culturally attuned and evidence-based strategies, CCR engages schools, school districts and other youth-serving organizations through a public health approach to address the impact of trauma and promote mental health and wellness. In addition, CCR evaluates emerging best practices and collaborates with policy makers and communities to promote system change to reduce health disparities and promote mental health and wellness where kids live, learn and play!
Improving Children’s access to Mental Health services
Center for Health and Behavioral Health in Schools, 2012.
Our model of care centers on what is needed in each child’s life to build their resiliency. Children who are resilient are better able to cope with challenges, manage stress, and make healthy choices. This begins with ensuring that their mental health needs are met.